
Because your skin defines your personality.

Mesotherapy applications were first applied by Dr. Michel Pistor in 1952. Mesotherapy is a medical procedure with aesthetic purposes. This method is frequently used globally for skin renewal, anti-aging, regional slimming, treating chronic pain, healing sports injuries and healing scar spots.

To put it more broadly, Mesotherapy can be used in the following cases:

– Treatment of blemishes
– Treatment of skin aging and sagging
– Prevention of weight loss
– Treatment of sports injuries
– Treatment of acute and chronic pain
– Treatment of dark circles and bags under the eyes
– Treatment of allergies
– Cellulite treatment
– Treatment of soft tissue rheumatism called fibromyalgia
What is Mesotherapy?

Within the scope of Mesotherapy applications, which are widely used all over the world, various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes are injected into the middle layer of the skin individually or as a mixture. Microinjection method is used during this injection process.

The basic logic of the method is to activate structures such as elastin and collagen in the skin by stimulating them. Thus, blood circulation and lymphatic circulation are provided in the area where the method is applied and immune response is regulated.

The feature that distinguishes this application from other rejuvenation applications is that the substances to be injected can be selected according to the patient’s wishes. In this sense, in order to start your treatment immediately by choosing the right substances with your physician in Istanbul, Dr. Özle